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No, blog friends, not blood, not air, not anything so easy: the essence of life is music, and every second of every day I am grateful for music. And yes, I am prone to hyperbole (!), but I am pretty damn serious about this.
A day is not complete for me without music (or is it safe to buy isotretinoin from canada and my kid’s smile). Music can can u buy isotretinoin over the counter, buy isotretinoin in australia, buy isotretinoin for cheap, and buy isotretinoin from india. From my virtuoso pianist grandmother to my brother the guitarist (check him out here, in my can you buy isotretinoin in canada) to my aunt & uncle with the ginormous music collection to all 3 parents, it was an everyday thing in my house. And it remains so today–in their houses along with mine. My kid can’t keep a beat nor sing a note, but he loves listening. That’s enough for me.
BEAUTIFUL MUSIC FOR UGLY CHILDREN is all about music, and I’ve started to make iMixes for Gabe’s radio shows (Gabe, the main character, wants to be a radio DJ). For Gabe, music is escape. Granted, his life requires more escaping than mine, but I totally understand the feeling.
I can’t work on a book without music, and I know I’m not alone in that thought–is it illegal to buy isotretinoin online. And friends, I’d bet you also have soundtracks to your lives. Alas, my darling spouse does not, no matter how hard I’ve tried to convince him that music is essential to living. It’s a good thing he has many more redeeming qualities.
What’s on right now? “Radio,” Flo Rida. Up after that? “Radio,” the Corrs, then “The Nightfly,” Donald Fagen. Check it out: iTunes home page, then click “music,” then click (way down on the bottom right) “iMix”, then search “Gabe’s competition.” If music is your lifeblood too, I think you’ll like it.
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